Small Disposable Glue Stone Stickers - Lash Heaven
Large Disposable Glue Stone Stickers - Lash Heaven
Disposable Glue Stone Stickers - Lash Heaven
Disposable Glue Stone Stickers - Lash Heaven

Disposable Round Glue Stone Stickers


Use the glue stone sticker to keep your glue blob fresh and to protect your glue stone / crystal glue plate from adhesive residue. 

Keep on flat surface when lashing to avoid the glue spreading. You can put a small strip of micropore tape on top of the sticker to avoid the glue from spreading if you must, but we recommend using the sticker as it is. 

We have 3 different stickers to choose from;

- small matte stickers

- large matte stickers

- medium gloss stickers (our favourite)
